No more guesswork with medical findings!

Your health information clear and understandable.

Everyone knows this!

Medical documents are about you or the health of your loved ones, but you hardly understand a word because of the medical terminology and complicated wording. This is annoying and even dangerous! DocToRead changes that.


The how-please? oh-so effect

The innovative DocToRead app provides a remedy. It translates complex medical reports into easy-to-understand language, because only those who are well informed can make the right decisions for themselves or their loved ones.


“Many of my patients have no idea what their diagnosis really means. DocToRead will remedy this. The app translates medical reports into understandable language and will significantly improve comprehension. The read-aloud function and multilingual support in particular will be valuable aids. I can warmly recommend this app to every patient and their relatives.” Physiotherapy practice Maike Klose, Gummersbach

“Over the last few years, I have painstakingly worked my way through medical reports again and again, trying to understand them in detail. DocToRead is a welcome help for me.” Johannes Bee, patient, Cologne

“DocToRead will revolutionise communication with patients. The app enables them to receive medical reports in an immediately understandable way. This will reduce queries and increase patient satisfaction. DocToRead will save us time and improve the quality of care in the practice.” Prof Dr med Hendrik A. Wolff, Munich

Discover DocToRead:
More clarity for

Patient files


Clarification documents

Discharge letters

Statements from specialists

Risk of

Doctors believe they can explain health problems well. In doing so, they often assume a great deal of specialised knowledge. This can result in misjudgements that lead to unwanted or unnecessary measures, for example. Unnecessary costs are incurred, the doctor-patient relationship suffers and, in the worst case, even health suffers.

Knowledge helps. DocToRead helps you to answer your questions.

  • What exactly do I have?
  • What should be done?
  • How did the operation go?
  • What was actually done?
  • How do the doctors treating you assess the situation?
Discover DocToRead:
Understanding means prevention
and co-decision-making

DocToRead communicates important individual medical content in an easy-to-understand way. Studies show that patients who are better able to assess their health situation and have a say are more cooperative, adhere better to treatment, take medication more conscientiously and – where the clinical picture allows – also recover more quickly.

Click here for the WDR report, 01.08.2024 in the local time (from min. 9).

Simply ingenious, ingeniously simple, that’s how it works:

  • Install app from the store
  • Photographing findings
  • Receive texts in patient-friendly language

You can also have the texts read aloud to you or call them up in different languages. DocToRead also offers you the option of saving the ‘translated’ texts directly to your mobile phone. Whether for further visits to the doctor or for private conversations with relatives, you are well informed and have immediate access to the reports.

Discover DocToRead:
Your advantages:
  • Access to understandable health information
  • Faster understanding of therapeutic measures
  • No uncertainty before or after conversations
  • Help for independent decision-making
  • Strengthening co-determination
Technical strengths:
  • Text translations from and into many languages
  • Convenient secure text storage
  • Read aloud option
  • Dispatch option
  • Secure German app
DocToRead, finally medical texts in understandable language
Bastian Hollmann
Bastian Hollmann,

As a former medical employee at Münster University Hospital and after 20 years of working for the medical industry in the field of radiology and radiotherapy, I am aware of how often patients and their relatives remain frighteningly uninformed. The medical reports and specialists overwhelm them with their complex technical language.

My aim is to provide patients with a tool that makes it easy for them to understand important medical information. After all, it has been proven that such an understanding can be an important step towards coping with illness.’
